Friday, March 18, 2016

Back, for good.

Hei! I know, back to blogging again. Ada mood sudah mau blogging balik. Since I have plenty of masa terbuang sia-sia, better blogging. Daripada selfieeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeee ja. So yeah, this is going to be a short introductory for you. Just in case if any of you want to know 'more' about me. Kalau ada lah. HAHA. I am 20 PLUS years old, living in hashtag KKcity, live with me mama & only sister. Ada 5 ekor kucings kesayangan semua gendut, ikut tuannya. Ehehe. Kalau pasal hobby pula, Handbag lover juga ni tapi belum mampu lagi mau beli bag ribu riban mmmmm manatau esok lusa rezeki saya kan kan. Aamin! Saya suka jalan-jalan/travel. Rugi kalau stay satu tempat jak. Kalau ada extra rezeki, try jalan2 di negara orang, alah trivago kan ada? kenapa perlu bayar lebih? ahhh cuba try test terus click link tu.  :P Currently working with the gomen (government) as a contract worker, sukur la nak dapat kerja daripada tiada kan. My circle of friends quite small sebab muka aku ni tegang semacam, tapi kalau sudah ngam sapak dia, minta maap lah you cant stop me from talking. Hahaha! I have few trusted fav people, I call them my shields. You'll get to know them if you follow up with my posts kan. Ndak juga mau muntah semua di sini harini. Har har har mati lah katak. Enough with the few highlights for today. Thanks for reading ya'all!